Our solutions
Radon is a radioactive gas that is invisible to the eye and completely odourless
Our solutions
Radon is a radioactive gas that is invisible to the eye and completely odourless. Radon in indoor air is a major health risk, causing a large number of cases of lung cancer every year. According to WHO, indoor radon is the second most common cause of lung cancer after smoking.
The first step in guaranteeing that there are no harmful levels of radon in the living environment is to carry out radon measurements. If the measurements show low levels of radon, it guarantees and documents a safe home, free from increased levels of radon in the indoor air. On the other hand, if the measurement shows levels exceeding 200 Bq/m3, an investigation and measurement should be carried out in the property, to guarantee the radon remediation measures implemented using the correct methods and materials. Corroventa has experience based on more than 19,000 radon measurements and we have supplied equipment to more than 3000 radon remediation projects. We have great knowledge and experience that we use to plan effective solutions with good overall economy for our customers.
Radon (Rn) is a radioactive noble gas that is produced as a decay product of radium. Radium, in turn, is a decay product of uranium that occurs naturally in the stone types of the earth’s crust. The natural radon content of the air is 2-10 Bq / m3.
The radon contained in the soil is the main cause of radon pollution in houses. The radon concentration in the soil air is always relatively high and is between 5,000 and 2,000,000 Bq / m3. Since the air pressure in buildings is usually lower than that of outside, the ground air can rise up in the building through leaks in the house construction. All stone-based building materials release radon, but usually in very small quantities. In Sweden, so-called ‘blue concrete’ was used for buildings. It had radon concentrations of around 1,000 Bq / m3. It was made from uranium-containing alum shale and is considered the building material that produces the highest radon levels in the room air. ‘Blue concrete’ was manufactured between 1929 and 1975 in several locations in Sweden and can produce radon concentrations of about 1,000 Bq / m3 – values well above the limits for healthy air.
Radon can originate from three different sources: ground, building material and water. Depending on the origin of radon, there are different methods of decontamination.
There are three different means to decontaminate radon from the ground: changing the pressure ratio between the ground and interior spaces, the dilution of the inflowing and radon polluted air and the sealing of cracks and other routes of entry.
For radon decontamination of radon in building material, there are three methods as well. If you want to decrease the radon concentration, you have to intensify ventilation and accept a loss of heat. A ventilation of the exhaling surfaces with a floor convector is another method. The third method is the removal of the radon polluted building material.
There is only one method for radon polluted water. The water has to be ventilated before it enters the Building.
You can always contact us at Corroventa if you have any inquiries about our products or solutions. Do you have a challenge with water, moisture, odor, radon, or pests? Reach out to our headquarters, and we'll assist you further.