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Corroventas products


Energy efficient, compact and user friendly turbines for professional water remediation


CORROVENTA T2 ES 0835 es logo

Turbine T2 ES

T2 ES is one of the most powerful turbines on the market in terms of its size, with an airflow of 180 m3/h.
CORROVENTA T4ES 0856 with es logo

Turbine T4 ES

The ES series' largest turbine with an airflow of up to 300 m3/h is designed for optimized performance in both large and small dehumidification tasks.

Turbine T2

Turbin T2 can deliver an air volume of 180 m3/h and is designed for small to medium-sized dehumidification tasks.

Questions or concerns?

You can always contact us at Corroventa if you have any inquiries about our products or solutions. Do you have a challenge with water, moisture, odor, radon, or pests? Reach out to our headquarters, and we'll assist you further.